Lost and Wondering when you've lost your faith in those God set above you and you wonder why your troubles flooded in and you fear that you have somehow caused the problems by your own hand and by acts that they call sin you are lost and hoping somehow light will find you though the pit seems deep and sides are hewn of stone as you look about you sadness takes its purchase and at times you feel so helplessly alone and you wonder why your friends they do not leave you since its obvious that others think you lost those called loved ones have so coldly now rejected though the deed is theirs its you who feels the cost but remember now that others see you differently in their eyes you are of immeasurable worth into their lives you have brought such hope and meaning by your friendship brought a measure of joy and mirth its your life's effect on others that should weigh you not the negative thoughts of those who call you kin though life may be chaos wait and listen awhile for the quiet voice of truth to sound above the din in time perhaps you'll see the larger picture instead of gritty textures that fill the now as humans we rarely see the total meaning we may ask the why but merely see the how (c) 2002 Robert H. Harrison