Die Young Oh please let me die young, not linger as I age, withering and fading, prolonging suffering. Neglected by others, suffering loneliness; to this terrible fate, pray do not banish me. For I suffer enough, and like not its taste; forever in my mouth, I cannot stomach it. Give me the meteor's fate; plunging in such glory. A memorable trip; short, but so beautiful. Leaving but a brief glow; nothing else marks the spot. Nothing is permanent; so let me rush headlong. So restless my nature; nothing satisfies long. Yet nothing here is new; I run out of pursuits. When you finish a book, you close it; so therefore when I pen my last word, I should end the story. Beautiful tragedy, oh the pain, how it sears; life is tears, and such tears! Never have I felt their like. Will you remember me? Once I pass, will you weep? Memory improves me - I will be loved then. (c) 2002 Robert H. Harrison