To be Good I so want to be good, but in your eyes am not; there I am reflected - twisted, fallen, failed. I cannot please you now, nor ever be able; failing expectations, sadly, I am but me. I am not who I was - hopeful and innocent; instead I am older, aged beyond my years. I feel older than you, for i understand you; but you cannot ever, hope to understand me. You look and see a child, the child you once possessed - that child died long ago; he will never come back. So many great struggles, battles I fight daily; but I hide them from you - you cannot handle them. Knowing me would hurt you; knowing what you have done, the pain I have faced, all the years you ignored. So I fight in silence, protecting you always; you cannot handle me, so I must be stronger. And if I seem evil, please grant me forgiveness; you cannot understand, but still I beg pardon. (c) 2002 Robert H. Harrison